As world population is constantly growing, the demand of water increases each and every day. The luxuries of domestic uses of water have become a necessity to people in their homes and backyards. Domestic water is normally characterized by its use inside and outside the home: Drinking, washing the dishes, cooking a meal, laundry, bathing, watering the lawn or garden, and other household activities.
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RO is a water treatment process that removes contaminants from water by using pressure,
There are many Water Filtration Systems available in the market, but user always
Quality that makes Everpure the overwhelming choice for water filtration in
Has Single Stage , Dual & Three Stages Water purification Systems
RO is a water treatment process that removes contaminants from water by using pressure to force water molecules through a semipermeable membrane. During this process, the contaminants are filtered out and flushed away, leaving clean, delicious drinking water.
There is also built in Reverse Osmosis System in Water dispenser with Hot & Cold option. Mostly Used in Offices.
Water dispenser with built in RO system is a user friendly system which work just like the traditional water dispenser but this one has its own reverse osmosis filtration system built inside the body.
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The same commercial quality that makes Everpure the overwhelming choice for water filtration in restaurants is also available for homes. Everpure’s exclusive pre-coat filtration technology combines Micro-Pure and a unique pleated filter membrane to trap particles as small as ½ micron.
Reduces chlorine taste & odor and other offensive contaminants Plated mounted system allows for easy installation and startup.
20” pre-filter reduces dirt and particles NSF/ANSI Standard 53 certified to reduce cysts, such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia by mechanical means,
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Validated by ISO 17025 accredited lab for 99.99% reduction of Pseudomonas diminution following the ASTM F838-05 protocol for the validation of 0.5 μm sterilizing grade filters and rated capacity is 9,000 gallons (34,068 Litres).
Martech has Single Stage , Dual & Three Stages Water Purification Systems.
We promise to fulfill the demands and supplies for both commercial and residential needs.
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